Friday, August 17, 2012

Theory of Relativity & evolution -from Yahoo Best Answer

In this question I have explained the theory of relativity,evolution and the universe!?

Let us start with the Theory Of Relativity.The Theory Of Relativity is a description of space and time as determined by physical measurements,the origins of the theory date back to the principles of relative motion formulated by scientists in the 17th century in it's present form however the theory is largely the work of Albert Einstein.According to Einstein's theory,space and time are relative concepts ,and measurements of space and time depend on the state of the observer.Einstein's theory consists of two parts 1)The special or restricted theory,which concerns measurements made by observers moving at constant velocity with respect to each other.2)The general theory,which expands the special theory to include measurements made by observers whose relative velocity is changing.The general theory applies the principles of relativity to gravitation.Einstein's theory of relativity has been of great importance in modern physics for example the special theory showed scientists that it is possible to unleash the energy contained in the nucleus of an atom,the theory has influenced all branches of physics dealing with electromagnetic radiation and high-speed particles.

Now we go to Evolution,evolution is defined in biology as the continual process by which one form of life changes ,or evolves into another form.Some religious groups deny that evolution exists,but most scientists accept it as fact.The theory of evolution suggests that all living things descended from one or several kinds of simple organisms.It also explains why there are so many different kinds of organisms.The inherited characteristics of nearly all living things change from generation to generation.In most cases,this change is so gradual that it is noticeable only after many generations.Eventually the accumulated changes may become so great that the descendant bears little likeness to it's remote ancestor and may belong to a different species.Evolution takes place through natural selection,meaning there are more living things produced than can possibly survive,because there is not enough space and food to support them.The result is competition among organisms in the struggle for survival.The individuals in each species are not all exactly alike.They have varying characteristics and these variations may either help or hinder them in their struggle to live.Evolution also takes place through a process called mutation,meaning when a gene is altered in any way the offspring acquires a new characteristic not possessed by either parent .This change in gene is called mutation.Mutations are responsible for genetic variability in a given species.When a mutation introduces a harmful characteristic ,the organism probably will not survive unless the harmful effect is balanced by beneficial effects.

Now we go to the universe.In astronomy all matter and energy whose existence has been,will be or could be made known to us.It includes all the stars and all their radiations to the farthest reaches of space and time.The known universe the part that can be detected with with optical and radio telescopes extends out in all directions from the sun and earth for a distance of about 10 billion light years.According to theories based on current observations,the universe is at least 10 billion and possibly 20 billion years old.Cosmoly,the study of the universe as a whole attempts to provide an overall picture of the nature and operation of the physical universe.According to many cosmologists the universe extends in all directions from earth to unknown distances beyond the present limits of observation.Some cosmologists believe the universe has no limits in space or time.

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